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Pure Ageing is normal in your 70s

Pure Ageing is normal in your 70s

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Is this normal?

How you age is up to you. Lifestyle, among other things, can play a role in this process. But some changes in your 70s are universal because they’re a result of the way your body works. Experts sometimes call this “pure ageing.” These transformations occur in everyone who lives long enough. You can’t avoid them, but you can prepare if you know what to expect.

Your mind

Parts of your brain shrink as you age, and signals between different areas can slow down. This means that you may have difficulty remembering names or speaking a particular word. It may be difficult for you to multitask and concentrate. If this makes you worried about Alzheimer’s, don’t worry — these are normal changes. Alzheimer’s disease and other types of dementia cause more serious problems with memory and daily tasks.

your heart

As you age, your heart can’t beat as fast as you exercise or when you’re stressed. As its walls become thicker and its valves become stiffer, blood may not flow through them efficiently. The heart’s electrical system may begin to malfunction, which may cause an irregular heartbeat. The most common problem is the buildup of plaque in the artery walls. But you can reduce your risk through healthy habits, such as exercising, following a heart-healthy diet, and not smoking.

Your skin

Age spots and wrinkles are not surprising, but you may also find that you experience more bruising and sweat less. Your skin may be drier and paper-like. It can also be itchy and easily irritated. It may be helpful to switch to a gentler soap and use moisturizer and sunscreen regularly. You can also try a humidifier.


Your metabolism slows down as you get older. You may need to cut calories to prevent weight gain. On the other hand, some people find that they no longer feel as hungry or thirsty as they used to. When you eat less, choose foods that contain more nutrients in fewer calories, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products and lean protein. Changes in your body may lead to vitamin D and B12 deficiency, so you may need supplements as well.

Your bones, joints and muscles

About 1 in 4 women — and some men, too — over 65 have osteoporosis, a thinning of the bones. Your muscles become weaker, and the tendons that connect your muscles to your skeleton become stiffer. This will reduce your strength and flexibility. In your 70s, you may lose about 7-10 cm of your height due to flattening of the discs between the vertebrae in your back. Exercise and lifting light weights can help prevent and perhaps even reverse these changes.

Your sleep

As you get older, you spend less time each night in deep sleep and more in light sleep. You may wake up more often and have difficulty getting back to sleep. Insomnia can be a problem in your 70s, especially for women. You may also find yourself falling asleep and waking up early. Despite changes in your sleep patterns, you still need 7-8 hours per night. Do what you can to maintain good sleep habits, and talk to your doctor about any problems.

Your immune system

Your body’s defences decline slightly in your 70s, making you more susceptible to disease. Vaccines won’t be as effective for you as they once were, but since you’re susceptible to infections and viruses, it’s still important to get vaccines for influenza, pneumonia, and shingles. On the plus side, allergies are less severe, and autoimmune disorders are rare at this age.

Your digestive system

Your stomach lining is more fragile, increasing your chances of developing an ulcer. This is especially true if you take a lot of aspirin or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). Perhaps the most common problem at this age is constipation. Part of the reason is that your digestive system doesn’t move food as well as it used to. Medications and lack of exercise may also play a role.

Your urinary tract

The bladder can no longer hold as well as it used to, and the muscles that support it have lost some of their strength. You may also strain when you don’t need to urinate, causing an overactive bladder. All of these things can send you to the bathroom more often. Many women in their 70s suffer from the problem of urine leakage. Prostate problems, which affect many men at this age, can also cause problems.

Your sex life

Research suggests that more people in their 70s are sexually active today than in previous eras. But there may be more challenges. You and your partner may suffer from vaginal dryness or erectile dysfunction, in addition to other health problems. Body image and stress can also play a role. But you don’t have to give up sex. Talk to your partner about what’s pleasurable, and ask your doctor for help with any medical problems that affect sex.

Your Vision

The iris reacts more slowly to changes in light because your eye muscles are slightly weaker. You’ll need more time to adapt when moving indoors to bright sunlight. It’s harder to pick out some of the finer details because there are fewer cells sending messages about what you’re seeing to your brain. The lens of the eye becomes thicker and more yellow, making it difficult to see in dim light and making colours less vibrant.

Your hearing

About a third of people aged 65 to 74 have hearing loss, and about half of people over 75 do. High-pitched sounds are especially difficult to distinguish, making it difficult to understand what others are saying. You may be able to recognize vowels but not consonants. Background noise can also further interfere with your conversations. If you have trouble hearing everyday sounds, talk to your doctor about things that can help you.

Steps you can take

You can’t turn back the clock, but there are plenty of ways to stay healthy into your 70s. Diet and exercise are important. Keep an eye on your health, especially when it comes to monitoring problems like cancer and heart disease. Stay socially active and challenge yourself mentally, this will help fight mental decline. Talk to your doctor about changes in vision, hearing, digestion and other issues so you can continue to thrive as you age.

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