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About Us

Specialist in orthopedic surgery

About A. Sayed Issa

Dr. Abdulhamid Sayed Issa, Specialist in Orthopedic Surgery. He holds (Syrian Board Certificate from the Syrian Ministry of Health in 2012), a practicing doctor since (2003), a lecturer at (Faculty of Medicine, Aleppo University 2009-2012), he has international research and articles in:

Carpal Tunnel Release through Mini Transverse Approach (CTRMTA)

Sayed Issa's Approach. Registered with the National Library of Medicine (NLM) at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) in the USA

Mini Lateral Shoulder Approach (MLSA)

Second Sayed Issa's Approach

Hybrid Limited Shoulder Surgical Management (HLSSM)

Sayed Issa's Hybrid Shoulder Arthroscopic-Open Surgical Management (HSSM) (HLSSM)

Journey of success

Know more about Dr. Abdulhamid Sayed Issa

Dr. Abdulhamid Sayed Issa, Specialist in Orthopedic Surgery. He holds (Syrian Board Certificate from the Syrian Ministry of Health in 2012), a practicing doctor since (2003), a lecturer at (Faculty of Medicine, Aleppo University 2009-2012), he has international research and articles in:

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Number of surgeries

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Research number

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Medical conferences

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The treated patients

Our Message

Our medical and professional mission:

Investing our expertise, science, research, and meeting summaries in medical forums, geographically and virtually, and employing them to advance medicine and orthopedic surgery in particular, for the benefit of humanity.

Technological follow-up

Keeping pace with computer-assisted robotic technology and starting to attract it locally

Follow protocols

Following the internationally applied protocols that are tailored to each patient individually,

Relieve patients' pain

Our goal is not only to relieve our patient's pain but also to restore their level of movement.

Are you ready to book your appointment with us?

We offer all kinds of consultations in the clinic, or virtually via the network (Online)

Constant and continuous development

We believe that the journey of science and medicine is renewable and global, That’s why we keep up with the latest medical research, and practical techniques, In order to remain the leading name in the world of orthopedic surgery and provide our patients with the best science today.

Permanent development of the field

Keeping abreast of the latest developments in international orthopedics (using all international technologies in this field)

Privacy and credibility

We adhere to our high professional standards and inform our patients of all medical details about their health with honesty and privacy.

The accurancy of clinical diagnosis and auxiliary investigations is up to 86%
Non-surgical treatment with an efficacy rate up to 80%
Choosing the optimum type of surgery is about 91%
Precision in surgeries over 96%

احجز موعدك

نقدم جميع أنواع الاستشارات في العيادة، أو الافتراضية عبر الشبكة (Online)
February 2025
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun


المشفى الاستشاري الحديث – خلف حديقة الفرقان – حي المارتيني – حلب،

ساعات الدوام

السبت – الخميس
الجمعة: عطلة اسبوعية
13:00 – 15:30 pm

معلومات التواصل


Book your appointment

We offer all kinds of consultations in the clinic, or virtual via the network (Online)

February 2025
Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun


Modern Istishari Hospital – behind Al-Furqan Park – Al-Martini neighborhood – Aleppo

Working hours

Saturday – Thursday: 13:00 – 15:30
Friday: Off

Contact info
