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Learn about ankle sprains

Learn about ankle sprains

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An ankle sprain is a common injury when the ligaments supporting the ankle joint are stretched or torn. It often happens due to sudden twisting or turning of the foot beyond its normal range of movement. Let’s delve into the details:

Causes of Ankle Sprains:

Twisting or Overstretching: Ankle sprains typically occur when you twist or turn your foot awkwardly, causing strain on the ligaments.

Sports and Physical Activities: Activities like running, jumping, or playing sports can put stress on the ankle and lead to sprains.

Uneven Surfaces: Walking or running on uneven surfaces increases the risk of ankle sprains.

Footwear: Ill-fitting shoes or high heels can contribute to ankle instability.


Pain and Tenderness: You’ll experience pain and tenderness around the ankle area.

Swelling and Bruising: The injured area may become swollen and bruised.

Difficulty Walking: Putting weight on the affected ankle becomes challenging.

Muscle Spasms: Muscles may painfully tighten on their own.


If you suspect an ankle sprain, consult a healthcare professional. They will assess your symptoms, perform a physical examination, and may recommend an X-ray to rule out fractures.

Self-Help and Treatment:

RICE Therapy:

Rest: Avoid putting weight on the injured ankle.

Ice: Apply ice (wrapped in a cloth) for 20 minutes every 2 to 3 hours.

Compression: Use a bandage to support the injured area.

Elevation: Keep the ankle elevated on a pillow.

Pain Management:

Over-the-counter painkillers like paracetamol can help relieve pain.

Topical ibuprofen gel, mousse, or spray can reduce swelling.

Movement and Rehabilitation:

Once pain allows, gently move the ankle to prevent stiffness.

Gradually reintroduce weight-bearing activities.

Avoid Heat:

Heat (hot baths, heat packs) can worsen swelling initially.


Most ankle sprains improve within 2 weeks.

Avoid strenuous exercise (like running) for up to 8 weeks to prevent further damage.

Severe sprains may take longer to heal.

Remember, if you experience severe pain, worsening swelling, or difficulty moving the ankle, seek medical advice promptly. Ankle sprains are common, but proper care ensures a smoother recovery.

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